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Our JXP series pumps can be exchanged with NOV XP pumps


The JXP is ideally suited for pumping high volumes of heavy slurries that are abrasive, corrosive, or just plain tough to pump. The JXP14×12×22 and JXP12×10×23 can deliver flow rates from 3000 - 7500 gpm at 75 - 410 feet of head at low speeds.

The compact overall dimensions of the JXP make it an excellent choice for high volume mobile and stationary applications where a small footprint is critical.


Typical Applications

·  Frac blending                            ·  Paper pulp processing

·  Quarry slurries                          ·  Sand slurries

·  Sewage                                    ·  Slag

·  Supercharger pumps               ·  Wast slurries

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